User’s Manual for InterForm400® 61
8=TABULATOR (Paragraph tabulation)
A "tabulator" performs formatting and horizontal movement of an interval of lines in the
spool date. Almost the same result can be obtained by using command type 9. Remap
The line and position numbers to be entered are those appearing in the input, regardless
of a general margin or extra blank lines defined for the overlay.
Seqnbr. Type
1 8 Tabulator
Input: Line ___ - ___
Position ___ - ___
Print: From left edge ______ Adjustment _ (U L C R N B +)
Font ____ F4=List
Condition: Position ___ - ___
Is > = < N _ - ___________
Blank after _ B = Blank condition after
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F12=Cancel F18=View Spool entry
Input Line: The line interval to read including both lines entered here.
Input Position: The Column interval to read including both positions entered
From left: Inches, pels absolute to the rotation specified by the global
settings for the overlay. If moved beyond the paper edge (e.g.
14") the data will be removed from the data stream. Note that the
Left edge is measured from the physical paper edge unless the
line interval of the Tabulator is included in an Extended Page
Definition interval. In this case the Left Edge of the Tabulator is
measured from the Left Margin defined in the Extended Page
Adjustment: Formatting of the text field. The Valid values are:
U Un-formatted. The area is printed without any changes
to formatting, and spaces.
L Left-adjustment. Spaces proceeding the first character
in text lines in the tabulator area are removed, causing
the area to be left adjusted at the position indicated by
From Left.
C Centred. Spaces within the tabulator area before and
after text lines are being removed, and the area is
centred around the position indicated by From Left.
R Right-adjustment. Spaces following the character in text
lines in the tabulator area are removed, causing the area
to be right adjusted at the position indicated by From
N Numeric. Indicates if the text lines in the tabulator area
should be considered as numbers (amounts).
B Print succeeding spaces in barcode data. Indicates if the
spaces in the coloumn interval succeeding the barcode
data should be converted to barcode. This only apply to
the barcodes 128 and 3of9. The barcodes will always be
left-adjusted. (Normally succeeding spaces will be