56 User’s Manual for InterForm400
Seqnbr. Type Inch.pel Repetition
1 3 Vertical line
From top edge ______ Move right ______
From left ______ Move down ______
Lower end ______ Extra times ___
Thickness in pels ___
F3=Exit F12=Cancel F18=View Spool entry
From Top
Edge: Inches, pels absolute to the upper edge of a portrait page regardless of
the rotation specified by the global settings for the overlay.
From left: Inches, pels absolute to the left edge of a portrait page regardless of the
rotation specified by the global settings for the overlay.
Lower end: Inches, pels absolute to the upper edge of a portrait page regardless of
the rotation specified by the global settings for the overlay.
in pels: Thickness of a the line in pels (1/240"). Zero means no border.
Move right: Inch,pels of the right movement of a duplicate of the line relative to the
value for left edge
Move Down: Inch,pels of the vertical movement of a duplicate of the line relative to the
value for Top edge
Extra times: Extra copies of the line excluding the original. Extra copies will be
displaced relative to each other according to the settings of Move right
and Move Down.
Seqnbr. Type Inch.pel Repetition
n,0 2 Line
Endpoint 1 from top ______ Move right ______
from left ______ Move down ______
Endpoint 2 from top ______ Extra times ___
from left ______
Thickness in pels ___
F3=Exit F12=Cancel F18=View Spool entry
This definition works similar to the two previous definitions. It distinguish itself by enabling
lines to be diagonal. This also means you will have to define coordinates for each
Endpoint 1
From Top: Inches, pels absolute to the top edge of a portrait page
regardless of the rotation specified by the global settings for the
From left: Inches, pels absolute to the left edge of a portrait page
regardless of the rotation specified by the global settings for the