Command Groups
TLS 216 Programmer Manual
Table 2–19: Vertical Commands (Cont.)
Header Description
GROUP<x>:VLOw Set the lower threshold voltage for determining
Bus mode displays
GROUP<x>:VOLts Same as GROUP<x>:SCAle
REF<x>? Return vertical parameters
REF<x>:BANdwidth? Return group bandwidth
REF<x>:DISplay Set display mode for the group
REF<x>:FIRst? Return first channel in the group
REF<x>:HEIght Set bus and timing group waveform heights
REF<x>:LAST? Return last channel in the group
REF<x>:OFFSet? Return group offset
REF<x>:POSition Set group position
REF<x>:SCAle? Return group volts/div
REF<x>:SELect Set selected channel in the group
REF<x>:VHIgh Set the upper threshold voltage for determin-
ing Bus mode displays
REF<x>:VLOw Set the lower threshold voltage for determining
Bus mode displays
REF<x>:VOLts? Return Group volts/div
SELect? Return selected waveform group
SELect:GROUP<x> Set selected waveform group
SELect:CONTROl Set front panel group selector
SELect:REF<x> Set selected reference group