Command Groups
TLS 216 Programmer Manual
Miscellaneous Commands
Miscellaneous commands do not fit into other categories.
Several commands and queries are common to all 488.2-1987 devices on the
GPIB bus. The 488.2-1987 standard defines them. They begin with a star (*)
Table 2–14: Miscellaneous Commands
Header Description
AUTOSet Automatic instrument setup
BELl Audio alert
DATE Set date
*DDT Define group execute trigger (GET)
FACtory Reset to factory default
HDR Same as HEADer
HEADer Return command header with query
ID? Return instrument identification and firmware
*IDN? Identification
*LRN? Learn device setting
LOCk Lock front panel (local lockout)
NEWpass Change password for User Protected Data
PASSWord Access to change User Protected Data
REM No action; remark only
SET? Same as *LRN?
TEKSecure Initialize waveforms and setups
TIMe Set time
*TRG Perform Group Execute Trigger (GET)
*TST? Self-test
UNLock Unlock front panel (local lockout)
VERBose Return full command name or minimum
spellings with query