Command Groups
TLS 216 Programmer Manual
Table 2–18: Trigger Commands (Cont.)
Header Description
TRIGger:MAin:STATE:INPut Set the decimal number which, when
converted to binary, is the state expected at
the inputs to the main state trigger
TRIGger:MAin:STATE:LOGIC Select the logic function applied to the main
state trigger inputs: AND, OR, NAND, NOR
TRIGger:MAin:STATE:SLOpe Select the clock edge that clocks the main
state trigger: Rising Or Falling
TRIGger:MAin:TYPe Set main trigger type: Edge, Pulse, Pattern,
State, or Sequence
TRIGger:STATE? Return trigger system status
TRIGger:THREShold? Return the trigger thresholds of all channels
(not effective for Edge triggering)
TRIGger:THREShold:CH<x> Select the channel trigger threshold for +ECL,
–ECL, TTL, CMOS, or value
TRIGger:THREShold:Group<x> Set the group trigger threshold for +ECL,
–ECL, TTL, CMOS, or value
TRIGger:THREShold:ALL Set all trigger thresholds (groups and
channels) for +ECL, –ECL, TTL, CMOS, or