• This list may not be complete or accurate depending on your deployment. Node types are
defined in a static configuration file and may differ from the ones listed here.
• If the system you attempt to select is not available, an error message displays. Check that:
the node's DNS or IP address was entered correctly; the network connection to the node is
active; the Support Tools Node Agent Service is installed and running on the node. If you
are using the node's host name, try connecting to the host using its IP Address or fully qualified
domain name instead.
Adding a Support Tools Node to the System List
Adding a node to the system list makes it available for quick selection during future Dashboard
sessions. Adding a node to the system list also specifies it as the current system.
Step 1
Click Support Tools > Interactive Mode > Select System
Step 2
Click the Enter System Name radio button, and then enter the DNS entry or IP address for that
Step 3
Check Add To List Of Systems.
Step 4
Click Select System. The node is displayed as the current system at the top of the screen.
• If the system you attempt to select is not available, an error message displays. Check that:
the node's DNS was entered correctly; the network connection to the node is active; the
Support Tools Node Agent Service is installed and running on the node.
• To add multiple nodes more quickly, use the System Management Screen.
How to End a Dashboard Session
To terminate a Dashboard session, click the Logout link in the Dashboard. Dashboard sessions
also time out automatically after 60 minutes after you close your browser.
• Sessions will time out when your browser remains open and no activity takes place for
extended periods of time.
• Terminating a session will not terminate any Dashboard processes that may be running (for
example, log collection). These will continue to run to completion.
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 10: - Using the Support Tools Dashboard
How to End a Dashboard Session