Note: The /noall switch. Leaving tracing turned up can cause performance problems.
Exiting and Quitting OPCTest
Use the quit command to exit OPCTest.
Warning: Use the exit_opc command with caution. This command instructs the OPC
process (on both sides of the PG if duplexed) to exit. Node Manager forces the process to
restart, which then forces it to reload the configuration for the Call Router. All internal
peripheral and agent states are flushed, then OPC and PIM re-learn the PG and its
How to Use the Procmon Utility
Use the Procmon utility for general-purpose ICM command-line debugging. It can be used in
conjunction with various NIC and PIM. processes. Procmon allows you to perform actions like
verifying status, setting debug trace bits, and so on.
For use with ICM PGs and Call Routers only.
Note: This tool can be used in both Interactive Mode and Batch Mode. For details on scheduling
this tool to run in batch mode see Using Batch Mode.
To Access Procmon from the Dashboard
To run Procmon from the Support Tools Dashboard:
Step 1
Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
Step 2
From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > Procmon.
Step 3
In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the opctest command is already implied. Do not enter it in the
Arguments field.
Step 4
If desired, in the Commands field, enter (or paste from a batch file) a group of commands to
run in batch mode.
When you do this:
Separate individual commands by a new line.
Do not enter input flags.
Do not enter an input file name in the arguments field.
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 13: Using Cisco Common Tools
How to Use the Procmon Utility