Note: For additional information on basic Web Tools command line use, including system
selection options and command-line mode vs interactive mode see Using Cisco Common Tools
from a Command Line (page 125).
Using the Processes Utility from a Command Line
When using the Processes utility from a command line, note that unlike in Dashboard use, you
can stop processes whose Type is Critical (service type is defined in the user-modifiable
processinfo.xml file.)
Table 6: Command Line Options
>cmdhelpDisplays a list of commands specific to this utility.cmdhelp, chelp
Note: Using Help or ? also displays this list, but includes several
additional ICM commands (e.g., echo, error_stop) not used by this
><command> /?Displays syntax for a specified command./?
><app_servername> /
Specifies the system on which the utility should run. If not
specified, the utility is run on the local system.
> /system <host_name> /
Specifies the target system the utility should run against. If not
specified, the utility is run against the local system.
>localhostSets the network address of name of the target node to the local
Note: By default, unless a different system is specified (using the
system command) the local host is assumed to be the target system.
>listDisplays information on all processes on the target system.list
ORFor each proccess, this command displays:
proccess Name: The process's name. >list
PID: The process's process ID.
Type: Critical, Known, or Unknown, as defined in the target
system's processinfo.xml file.
Start (if the process is stopped) or Stop (if the process if started.
Optionally, you can include an argument to dump this output to a
local file. Output is stored as XML-formatted text.
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 12: - Using Cisco Tools from a Command Line
How to Use the Processes Utility from a Command Line