Table 4: Viewing Entries in Merged Logs
ICM @ <host_name> + <customer_instance>, <ICM_node>, <process>:
(<utc date/time>) <local date/time>
ICM Log Entries
CCM @ <host_name> + <CCM_node>: (<utc date/time>) <local date/time>CCM Log Entries
<product> @ <host_name> +: (<utc date/time>) <local date/time>CCS, CEM, and CMB Log Entries
For example, an ICM log entry might be prefaced by:
ICM@my_logger + instance_1, logger_a, ccag:(09/04/2006 18:30:00) 09/
04/2006 12:30:00
Note that in a merged log:
UTC date/time represents the adjusted date/time of a log entry based on your network's SNTP
server clock.
Local date/time represents the unadjusted date/time of a log entry based on the clock of the
system from which the log was derived.
How to Use the Collect Logs Screen (Batch Mode)
Use the Collect Logs Screen to create a log collection. A log collection is a specification that
defines the log group(s) and time range you want to collect logs for.
To open the Collect Logs screen, from the Dashboard menu, select Batch Mode > Trace and
Log > Collect Logs
Note: For information on the Merge Logs option see About Log Collection (page 117)
To Create a Log Collection
To create a log group:
Step 1
Enter a name (up to 32 characters long) for the log collection. It's a good idea to choose an
intuitive name that conveys the attributes of the log collection.
Step 2
Optionally, enter a description up to 255 characters long.
Step 3
Use the calendar to specify the time range of logs to collect.
Step 4
Optionally, specify whether you want this log collection to run on a recurring frequency.
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 11: Using Support Tools Utilities from the Dashboard
How to Use the Collect Logs Screen (Batch Mode)