Cisco Systems 2.1(1) Treadmill User Manual

Using Tail - Command Line Options
Tail displays the last <count> lines of each of the les listed on the line. If no les are listed,
display the last <count> lines of the standard input.
<count> defaults to 10.
tail [-<count> | -n <count>] [-fvx?] [ file1 ... ]
The options for Tail are:
-<count> or -n <count>: species the number of lines to display.
-f: Follow along forever, outputting appended data as the le grows.
-v: Print headers giving le names.
-x: Expand tabs into the number of spaces specied by the TABS environment variable or into
8 spaces if TABS is undened.
-?: Display program description.
If the environment variable TAIL exists, its value is used to establish default options.
You can override an option that was specied in the environment variable by following the
option with a minus '-' sign. For example, to turn off the -v option, specify -v-.
If the environment variable TABS exists, its value will determine the number of spaces used
to expand tabs. Otherwise, tabs are expanded to 8 spaces.
Note: This tool can be used in both Interactive Mode and Batch Mode. For details on scheduling
this tool to run in batch mode see Using Batch Mode.
Use the Touch utility to change the creation date/time for any le.
To Access Touch from the Dashboard
To run Touch from the Support Tools Dashboard:
Step 1
In the Arguments eld, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the Touch command is already implied. Do not enter it in the
Arguments eld.
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 14: - Using 3rd Party Common Tools