Viewing and Stopping a Service - Examples
The following table shows an example of viewing and stopping a service, with a description of
each entry.
Description:Command Option:
Invokes the Services utility.>servicecontrol
Returns a list of all services installed on the target system, along with their
current status.
Stops the specified service.>stop 01464 "snmp service"
Note: Due to an embedded space, the service name was placed in quotes
The process ID example "01464" may be different each time a process is run.
How to Use the Processes Utility from a Command Line
While primarily designed for use from the Support Tools Dashboard, the Processes utility can
also be run from a command line any node, as desired.
Use the Processes utility to:
View all processes running on a system
Terminate processes on a system
Save a list of processes to a file
To Run the Processes Utility from a Command Line
To run the Processes utility in interactive mode from a command line:
Step 1
From a command prompt on a Support Tools node, navigate to <support_tools_root>.
Step 2
Enter processcontrol.
To view a list of systems defined in the current system's system list, use the systemlist command.
To view connection status for systems in the list, use the systemlist /check command.
Step 3
Enter commands as described in the Command Line Options section below.
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 12: Using Cisco Tools from a Command Line
How to Use the Processes Utility from a Command Line