Renaming Trace Groups
You can change the name of any trace group. To change a trace group's name:
Step 1
From the History - Trace Group screen, check the Select box next to the Trace Group whose
name you want to change.
Step 2
Click Rename.
A dialog box appears prompting you for a new name.
Step 3
Enter the new name in the dialog box and click OK.
The name is instantly changed and the change is reflected in the History - Trace Group screen.
Deleting Trace Groups
To delete one or more Trace Groups:
Step 1
From the History -Trace Group screen, check the Select box(s) next to the Trace Group(s) that
you want to delete.
Step 2
Click Delete
A Confirmation Dialog Box appears.
Step 3
Click OK in the confirmation dialog box to delete the Trace group(s).
The trace group(s) are instantly deleted and the results appear on the History - Trace Group
Refreshing the Trace Groups Screen
You can refresh the view of trace groups at any time. Refreshing the view allows you to see
changes other uses may have made in the recent past.
Note: The screen is automatically refreshed each time it is loaded.
To refresh the list of trace groups:
Step 1
From the History - Trace Group screen, click Refresh.
Step 2
The screen is refreshed showing any updates that may have been made.
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 11: Using Support Tools Utilities from the Dashboard
How to Use the Trace Groups Screen