Cisco Systems 2.1(1) Treadmill User Manual

To Compare the Current System to Another
To compare registry settings from the current system to those of another system:
Step 1
Select the Compare to Another System radio button.
Step 2
Optionally select Show differences only. If selected, only differences between the two registries
are displayed.
Step 3
Click the Compare Registries button. The systems list displays, showing all nodes dened in
Support Tools.
Step 4
Highlight the system you want to use.
Step 5
Click the Compare Registries button.
To Compare the Current System to a Saved Registry File
To compare registry settings from the current system to those of a registry le previously saved
in the Support Tools Repository:
Step 1
Select the Compare to Saved Registry File radio button.
Step 2
Optionally select Show differences only. If selected, only differences between the two registries
is displayed.
Step 3
Click the Compare Registries button. A list of registry les saved in the Repository displays.
Step 4
Select the le you want to compare to.
Step 5
Click the Registry Compare to File button.
To Compare Two Saved Registry Files
To compare the contents of registry settings from two registry les previously saved to the
Support Tools Repository:
Step 1
Select the Compare Two Saved Registry Files radio button.
Step 2
Optionally select Show differences only. If selected, only differences between the two registries
is displayed.
Step 3
Click the Compare Registries button. A list of registry les saved in the Repository displays.
Step 4
Select the les you want to compare.
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 11: Using Support Tools Utilities from the Dashboard
How to Use the Registry Compare Screen