How to Install the Support Tools Node
You can install the Support Tools Node on any supported Cisco Unified software component
that you want to manage through Support Tools.
Note: Before installing the Support Tools Node, ensure that the machine meets the prerequisite
hardware and software requirements.
Warning: In some instances, the Support Tools Server and Node installation may require
a reboot to complete. For this reason, you should perform the installation during a regular
maintenance period when the machine is in off-production mode.
The Support Tools CD includes a Server Install Wizard that installs:
The Support Tools Dashboard
The Support Tools Node
Support Tools documentation
Note: The installation instructions below describe only those installer dialogs that require user
Step 1
Log into the machine on which you are installing the Support Tools Server under an account
with Windows Administrator privileges.
Step 2
If the Cisco Security Agent is running on the machine, stop its service and set the service startup
type to Disabled.
Step 3
Insert the Support Tools CD in the server's CD-ROM drive. Normally an autorun executes and
you can skip the next two steps.
Step 4
If the autorun does not execute, from the Windows Start Menu, select Run.
Step 5
Browse to and double-click the Support Tools Node executable file located at: nodes\setup.exe.
Step 6
Specify values for the following:
TCP/IP Port: The port the Support Tools Server uses to communicate with Support Tools
Nodes. The default is 39100.
Destination Path: Specify the location to install the Support Tools Node, or accept the default:
c:\Cisco\CCBU\SupportTools. You can install the Support Tools Node to any location on
the local machine.
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 7: Installing Support Tools
How to Create the Distinguished User Account