Creating a Trace Group
Note: Not all Cisco Unified components and processes are supported. When a component in a
log group is not supported a specific message noting that the component is not supported
To Create a Trace Group:
Step 1
From the Create Trace group Screen, select a Log Group Name and click Next.
Trace Groups are based on the products and processes defined in a Log Group. You must first
Create a Log Group (page 107) before you can create a Trace group.
Step 2
Enter a name (up to 32 characters long), and optionally a description, for the trace group. It's a
good idea to choose an intuitive name that will help other users understand what type of logs
this group collects.
Step 3
A List of configurable trace setting is displayed on the page for each trace tool that is available
to set trace levels for the products and processes defined in the log group. For each section of
trace settings you can choose Low, Medium, High, or Current trace setting for the section, or
optionally select individual settings from within the section. Checking the Low, Medium, High,
or Current will automatically check settings for that section based on predefined values.
Mousing over any of the setting check boxes may display a pop-up help box that describes the
Note: The "Current" setting does not always display the actual current trace settings on the
Step 4
Click Finish when you have completed making your trace setting selections.
A confirmation page displays notifying you that the trace group has been created.
Step 5
Click OK to return to the Create Trace Group Screen.
How to Use the Create Trace Group Screen (Interactive Mode)
Trace Groups allow you to set the trace level for products and processes defined in a log group.
In Interactive Mode, you set the trace level for the currently selected system.
To access the Create Trace Group screen in Interactive Mode, select Interactive Mode > Trace
and Log > Set Trace.
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 11: - Using Support Tools Utilities from the Dashboard
How to Use the Create Trace Group Screen (Interactive Mode)