Note: Before proceeding with installation, also be sure to review the Support Tools Release
Notes for any updates pertaining to Support Tools installation. The Release Notes are available
at the top level of the Support Tools CD and at
Warning: In some instances, the Support Tools Server and Node installation may require
a reboot to complete. For this reason, you should perform the installation during a regular
maintenance period when the machine is in off-production mode.
Table 1: Steps for Installing Support Tools
Collect information for the install (page 51).
Prior to installing Support Tools, collect the information that you will need to provide during the install.
Create the Support Tools privileged user group (page 53).
Create and assign users to the Windows user group that will serve as the Support Tools privileged user group.
Create the Distinguished User Account (page 53)
The Support Tools Server installs the Tomcat Web server which runs as a service called "Cisco CCBU Support Tools
HTTP Server." This service must run as a distinguished user. To do this:
1. Prior to installing the Support Tools Server, create the Distinguished User account.
2. After installing the Support Tools Server, assign the Distinguished User the requisite directory privileges.
Review the Support Tools Server hardware and software prerequisites
Prior to installing the Support Tools Server, ensure that the machine you are installing it on meets the minimum hardware
and software prerequisites.
Install the Support Tools Server
The Support Tools Server installation includes:
The Support Tools Dashboard
The Support Tools Node
Support Tools documentation
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) 1.5.0_05
Apache Tomcat 5.5.16
Review the Support Tools Node hardware and software prerequisites
Prior to installing the Support Tools Node, ensure that the supported Cisco Unified software products you are installing
it on meet the minimum hardware and software prerequisites.
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 7: - Installing Support Tools
About Installing Support Tools