Possible Causes:
The machine, or LAN connection to that machine, is down
Machine is identified incorrectly in Support Tools System List
Support Tools Node not installed on that machine
Support Tools Node Agent Service stopped on that machine
Possible Workarounds:
1. Confirm that the machine is running and that LAN connectivity is available.
2. Confirm that the computer name for that machine as defined in the Support Tools System
List (displayed on the Dashboard's System Management screen) is correct.
3. Confirm with your administrator that the Support Tools Node is installed on that machine.
4. Confirm with your administrator that the Support Tools Node Agent Service is started on
that machine.
Utilities Missing
Certain utilities are missing from the Dashboard menus (e.g., Services screen, Processes screen)
You are not a member of the Support Tools privileged user group.
Certain utilities are only available for members of the Support Tools privileged user group.
Contact your administrator if you believe you should have access to these utilities.
Error Processing Request
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 20Troubleshooting Support Tools Troubleshooting
Utility Problems