Quick Reference 333
All Sport 5000
Note: Refer to Section 8: Football Operation for more detailed operating instructions.
• Turn the Power Switch ON.
• At the Resume Game? Y/N prompt:
• Press <ENTER /YES> to resume the game where last shut off.
• Press <Clear/NO> to enter a new sport code number.
Team Score
• <SCORE+1>, <SCORE+2>, <SCORE+3>, <SCORE+6>, and <SCORE-1> increment and
decrement the team score.
• <QUARTER+1> increments the quarter number.
Ball On
• <BALL ON> edits the current Ball On location.
• If the setting of Ball On Auto Calculate in Edit Settings is yes, the console will calculate Down
and Yards To Go values from the Ball On value.
• When <BALL ON> is pressed, the console will prompt for side of field, and then display the
Down and Yards To Go values for verification.
• <DOWN+1> increments the down number.
• <RECALL LAST DOWN> only functions when the setting of Ball On Auto Calculate is yes. It
will recall the Ball On, Down, and Yards To Go values of the previous play.
Yards To Go
• <YARDS TO GO> edits the current setting.
First and 10
<FIRST & 10> sets the Down value to 1 and the Yards to go value to 10 for a first down.
Time Out
• The first press of <TIME OUT> displays the number of full time outs for the selected team. The
second press displays the number of partial timeouts (if applicable.) Press enter to take a time
out for the selected team.