106 Football Options
LCD Display Action
mm:ss = minutes,
Press <TIME OUT ON/OFF> to display the configured
time for full time out length.
To accept the full time out length, press <YES>.
To decline the selection of the full time out length,
press <NO>.
To change the full time out length, enter the new length
in minutes and seconds on the number pad and press
Press <CLEAR> twice to clear changes and return to
the game.
mm:ss = minutes,
Press <TIME OUT ON/OFF> a second time to display
the configured time for partial time out length.
To accept the partial time out length, press <YES>.
To decline the selection of the partial time out length,
press <NO>.
To change the partial time out length, enter the new
length in minutes and seconds on the number pad and
press <ENTER>.
Press <CLEAR> twice to clear changes and return to
the game.
Set Play Clock
The PLAY CLOCK setting is used by the remote play clock console. The configured play
clock times are set using the
EDIT SETTINGS function when a new code is selected.
Note 1: When RESET ON STOP is set to yes (Y) the STOP switch automatically resets the
play clock using the RESET 1 time and the RESET button uses the RESET 2 time.
Note 2: When RESET ON STOP is set to no (N) the STOP switch does not reset the play
clock and the RESET button uses the RESET 1 time (please refer to the table on the
following page).