216 Wrestling Operations
Home Advantage, Guest Advantage, Stop Advantage Clock
LCD Display Action
time n:nn ↓
AD TM n:nn.n >g
n:nn = main clock
n:nn.n = advantage timer
g or h = guest or home
The main clock must be running to use the
advantage timer.
<GUEST (RED) ADVANTAGE> key to start the
advantage timer for the competitor that has control of
the match. The competitor that has the net (most)
advantage time is shown on the LCD display (<H or
>G). The timer (AD TM on the display) counts up or
down depending on which competitor is in control
(last advantage key pressed) and which competitor
has the net (most) advantage time.
For example:
If the home competitor is the first to control the
match, press <HOME (GREEN) ADVANTAGE>. The
display shows <H and the timer (AD TM) counts up.
When the guest competitor gains control, press
<GUEST (RED) ADVANTAGE>. The display
continues to show <H (because home still has the
net advantage) but the timer (AD TM) counts down.
The timer continues to count down until the <HOME
(GREEN) ADVANTAGE> is pressed again or the
timer reaches zero.
If zero is reached the display shows >G (which now
has the net advantage) and the timer counts up.
Press the <STOP ADVANTAGE CLOCK> key to
stop the advantage timer when neither competitor is
in control.