User’s Manual for InterForm400
The Import Chart Command
The APF3812/IMPCHT command is used for importing charts from the APFIMPORT
library. Previously the chart have to be exported using the APF3812/EXPCHT command.
When importing it can be specified, wether or not an existing chart can be overwritten.
Important notes are stated below the description of the APF3812/EXPCHT command at
page 401.
Prior to this command you have to import resources into the APFIMPORT library. See
how on page 343.
The Restore Library from Folder Command
The command APF3812/RSTLIBFLR command is intended to be used for support
purposes to restore a complete library from a folder, originally saved with the command
Restore Library from Folder (RSTLIBFLR)
Type choices, press Enter.
Library . . . . . . . . . . . . SAVLIB ______ Name
Fra folder . . . . . . . . . . . FROMFLR _______________
Fra dokument . . . . . . . . . . FROMDOC _______ Character value
Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPTION _______ *ALL, *NEW, *OLD, *FREE
Database member option . . . . . MBROPT _______ *MATCH, *ALL, *NEW, *OLD
Allow object differences . . . . ALWOBJDIF _______ *NONE, *ALL
Restore to library . . . . . . . RSTLIB _______ name, *SAVLIB
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys
The Save Library to Folder Command
The command APF3812/SAVLIB2FLR command is intended to be used for support
purposes to save a complete library to a folder. The file created in the folder can then be
sent as an attachment to an E-mail. The saved file can be restored with the command