316 User’s Manual for InterForm400
Substitution for internal fonts when printing non-western code page
Substitute for Substitute for
Code page triumvirate dot matrix font
Central European __________ __________
Baltic __________ __________
Turkish __________ __________
Cyrillic __________ __________
Greek __________ __________
Arabic __________ __________
Hebrew __________ __________
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F12=Cancel
Suggestions for substitutions: You could use a Universe Bold or Arial Bold to substitute
Triumvirate and a fixed font e.g. Courier to substitute the Dot Matrix font.
19. Initiate ZEBRA flash memory and reload fonts and images
As you install and delete resources in the flash memory of a Zebra printer the amount of
free space in the flash memory will gradually decrease (empty blocks in the memory from
previously installed elements cannot be reused).
In order for you to workaround this issue InterForm400 provides you with this function. It
will erase a specific flash memory drive and rewrite all registered resources in onto the
flash memory.
As all data in the specified flash memory drive will be erased you should make sure of
this before executing this option:
1. Are all your InterForm400 related resources in flash memory registered in
2. If you have downloaded other resources into the flash memory (not registered in
InterForm400) these should be reloaded after the memory has been rewritten. Do you
have all resources?
This screen is shown: