VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Using the Digital Multimeter
This section shows you how to make the following types of measurements with
the Digital Multimeter (DMM):
H DC Voltage
H AC Voltage
H Resistance
H Current
What You Should Know About
The following command subsystems enable you to take measurements:
H CONFigure
The MEASure subsystem requires less specific knowledge of the DMM. The
MEASure commands configure the instrument for the measurement, initiates the
measurement, and returns the data.
The CONFigure command configures the instrument for a specific measurement
and allows more specific instrument parameters to be set before a measurement
is made. For example, you can control aperture settings and initialization. You
use CONFigure along with two other command subsystems:
The INIT command initiates the measurement. The FETCh? commands return
the measured data. MEASure can be used in place of the CONF, INIT, and
FETCh? commands in the measurement procedures below.
The READ? query initiates a measurement and returns the measured data in one
step. READ? can be used in place of INIT and FETCh? in the procedures below.
The VX4101A has a default 10 MW input impedance (± 5%) following power up
for all voltage ranges. This input impedance is the result of the 10 MW resistance
ladder in the VX4101A provided for attenuation of voltages greater than 3 VDC.
This is usually not an issue for most measurements. However, if the signal you
are measuring has a source or output impedance of greater than 100 W, you
MEASure and CONFigure
Selecting the Input