SCPI Commands for the SurePatht Modules
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Command/Query Response/Description
route:close (@m1(1!1)) Open all channels in sections 1 through 6; wait 0.2 seconds;
close channel 1 of section 1; wait 0.5 seconds; then pulse VXI
TTL trigger 7 and pulse the front panel encode signals corre-
sponding to section 1
route:close (@m1(10!4)) Open all channels in sections 1 through 6; wait 0.2 seconds;
close channel 10 of section 4; wait 0.5 seconds then pulse VXI
TTL trigger 7 and pulse the front panel encode signals corre-
sponding to section 4
Enabled VXI TTL triggers are pulsed low for 200 ns after the close dwell time
has expired after a channel is closed.
The VX4330 has two front panel encode signals for each section. If the
configuration of a section is set to 40-to-1 1-wire, 20-to-1 2-wire, or 10-to-1
4-wire, both encode signals corresponding to that section are pulsed low for 4 ms
after a relay is closed in that section, 5 ms after the enabled VXI TTL triggers are
If the section is set to the 10-to-1 4-wire independent configuration, the encode
signal corresponding to the lower 2-wire common is pulsed when an odd
numbered channel is closed in that section. The encode signal corresponding to
the upper 2-wire common is pulsed when an even numbered channel is closed in
that section.
[ROUTe:]CLOSe:DWELl <module_name>,<nrf>
Command/Query Response/Description
output:ttltrg1:state on Enables VXI TTL trigger 1
route:close:dwell m1,.25 Sets the close dwell time for the VX4330 to 0.25 seconds
route:open:dwell m1,0.5 Sets the open dwell time for the VX4330 to 0.5 seconds
route:configure fwire,m1,(3) Sets the configuration of section 3 to 10-to-1 4-wire. This
command causes all channels in section 3 to be opened
route:close (@m1(1!3:10!3)) Closes relays 1 through 10 in section 3 of the VX4330, wait
0.25 seconds, then pulse VXI TTL trigger 1
route:configure twire,m1,(1:6) Sets the configuration of all sections to 20-to-1 2-wire. This
command causes all channels in all sections to be opened
route:scan (@m1(1!6:20!6)) Defines a scan list consisting of relays 1 through 20 in section
6 of the VX4330
Defines VXI TTL trigger 2 as the trigger source for the defined
scan list
trigger:sequence: delay 1 Sets the trigger delay time to 1 second
initiate:immediate Initiates the scan sequence