SCPI Commands for the Counter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
If only the <expected value> argument is used:
aperture is set to the default value
If both <expected value> and <resolution> are used the aperture is calculated as
aperture + 10
with a minimum of 1e–8 and a maximum of 5 seconds. A longer aperture may
be set with the SENSe:FREQuency:APERture command.
CONFigure[1|2]([:SCALar]|:ARRay):PHASe [<array size>[,expected value>[,<resolu-
This command configures a phase measurement. The suffix selects the channel
for the beginning of the measurement. For example, CONF1:PHASe will set up
the instrument to perform a phase measurement from channel one to channel
two, whereas CONF2:PHASe will set up the instrument to perform a phase
measurement from channel two to channel one.
This command will modify the following:
Function set to PHAS
Aperture/events mode set to aperture
If auto setup is ON or ONCE, the input attenuation, offset, gain, level, and slope
can be modified.
NOTE. Phase measurements use all available hardware timers. When the
Counter is in this mode, the aperture is controlled by software and has a
minimum period of approximately 10 ms.
CONFigure[1|2]([:SCALar]|:ARRay):RTIMe|FTIMe|RISE:TIME|FALL:TIME [<array
size>[,<low reference>[,<high reference>[expected value>[,<resolution>]]]]
This command configures the Counter to measure the rise or fall time of the
signal on the CONFigure suffix input channel. The units of the <low reference>
and <high reference> are a percentage. The units of <expected value> and
<resolution> are seconds. If the <expected value> argument is used, the expected
period of the input signal should be used, not the expected rise/fall time. This
measurement uses both comparators of the input channel.
If a reference value is specified and INPut:SETup:AUTO is set to OFF,
INPut:SETup:AUTO will be set to ONCE. If a reference value is not specified,
the input channel comparator 1 level will be set to –.25 V and input channel