SCPI Commands for the Counter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
upon receipt of one arm signal. If the mode is ONCE, then the instrument will
perform one operation and reenter the initiated state. This will continue until the
specified number of arm signals have been received. At that point, the specified
number of operations have been completed.
ARM ([:SEQuence1] |:STARt) [:LAYer]:SLOPe <slope>
Specifies the slope of the Counter External Arm Signal. When the slope is
POSitive, the CTR_EXTARM trigger source will be activated by a rising edge
passing through the specified level. When the slope is NEGative, the CTR_EX-
TARM trigger source will be activated by a falling edge passing through the
specified level. For more information see the ARM:LEVel command.
ARM ([:SEQuence1] |:STARt) [:LAYer]:SOURce <source>
Selects or queries the start arming source to be used when the Counter is
ARM (:SEQuence2 |:STOP) [:LAYer]:DELay <time delay>
Specifies a time delay to occur after receipt of a stop arm signal prior to actually
disarming the Counter. If the stop arming source selected is fixed, this command
will have no effect on the Counter arming. This command always zeros the event
count delay, so specifying a delay of zero places the arm subsystem in pass-
through mode. In this mode, the instrument disarms immediately upon receipt of
an arming signal.
ARM (:SEQuence2 |:STOP) [:LAYer]:ECOunt <time delay>
Specifies the number of stop arm signals the instrument will count prior to
disarming the Counter. Upon receipt of an arming signal, the Counter will exit
the armed state. If the arm source selected is fixed, this command will have no
effect on disarming the Counter. This command always zeros the delay by time
parameter, so specifying an event count of zero places the arm subsystem in
pass-through mode. In this mode, the instrument arms immediately upon receipt
of a trigger.
ARM (:SEQuence2 |:STOP) [:LAYer]:IMMediate
Cause a one-time exit by the Counter from the armed state without receiving the
specified stop arm signal.
ARM (:SEQuence2 |:STOP) [:LAYer]:SOURce <source>
Selects or queries the stop arming source to be used when the Counter is