SCPI Commands for the Counter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
VL = comparator level voltage
S = slope, 1 for positive, –1 for negative
G = current gain setting
VLR = relative comparator level previously set
A = current attenuator setting
VO = current offset setting (converted from a relative offset if necessary)
INPut[1|2]:COMParator[1|2]:HYSTeresis[:ABSolute] <absolute hysteresis>|DE-
This command sets the hysteresis of the channel and comparator selected. The
units are in volts. If an <absolute hysteresis> is specified, it is rounded to the
nearest of the values 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05 and 06.
DEFault = .06
MINimum = .01
MAXimum = .06
INPut[1|2]:COMParator[1|2]:HYSTeresis:RELative <relative hysteresis>
This command sets the hysteresis voltage for the selected input channel and
comparator. This value will be used at INITiate time to set the comparator
hsyteresis to a voltage that is the same as if the hysteresis voltage was imple-
mented at the input. This compensates for attenuation and gain settings. The unit
for <relative hysteresis> is V. The comparator hysteresis hardware will be set
when the measurment is INITiated. The following formula will be used:
VH = comparator hysteresis set at INITiate time
G = current gain setting
VHR = relative comparator hsyteresis set here
A = current attenuator setting
INPut[1|2]:COMParator[1|2]:SLOPe <slope>|DEFault
This command sets the slope for the selected input channel and comparator. The
slope may be either positive or negative.
INPut[1|2]:COUPling <coupling>
This command sets the input block signal coupling for the specified channel to
AC or DC.
DEFault = AC