SCPI Commands for the Digital Input
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Parameter Value
<channel_bit_list> 1-4
<port_list> 1-4
<sample rate> 3.662-48000.0
<voltage threshold 0.00-20.000
Command or Query Value
SENSe:SRATe? (240e+03/n) where 5 v n v 65536
SENSe:THReshold? 5 mV
SENSe:ARRay <array size>
Sets the number of postmatch data points. The match pattern is defined as index
0. Prematch will automatically store up to 4095 patterns before the match.
SENSe:MODE <mode>
This command determines whether the return data is masked with the bits
defined as inputs. Selecting FORMatted with this command masks all readbacks
to 0 for those bits not programmed as input.
Selecting UNFormatted with this command sets all readbacks to return raw data
from all 32 bits, whether they are defined as input bits or not. Since all 32 bits of
Digital Input are common with the Digital Output Instrument, a low from either
the UUT or from the Digital Output Instrument will result in a low on that bit in
UNFormatted mode (the result will be a high if the data is specified as IN-
SENSe:PSELect:DIBit [:NORMal|:INVerted] <ENABle|DISable>,<chan-
Enables or disables specific input bits defined by the <channel_bit_list>. It can
be comma separated or listed as (@x:y) for bits x through y. The query returns
the enable/disable state of all the input bits. A one in a bit position indicates that
the bit is enabled.
SENSe:PSELect:DIGLobal [:NORMal]|:INVerted <ENABle|DISable>
Enables or disables all 32 bits of the Digital Input. The query returns the
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