About Instrument Triggering
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Table 2–1: VX4101A Global Trigger Sources (Cont.)
Trigger Source
DMM Trigger is generated whenever the DMM has completed a measure-
ment. This trigger is delayable.
COUNTER Trigger is generated whenever the Counter has completed a
measurement. This trigger is delayable.
CTR_EXTARM This trigger is the digital representation of the analog signal input into
the Counter front panel arm signal. This trigger is delayable.
DAC This trigger can have one of three modes, depending on how the DAC
is configured in trigger mode: it is generated either after each sample is
output, at the end of the current segment, or at the end of the
This trigger is delayable.
DIGI This trigger is generated either after each sample is collected or when
the specified data has been collected. This trigger is delayable.
DIGO This trigger can have one of three modes, depending on how the
trigger mode is configured: it is generated after each sample is output,
at the end of a current segment, or at the end of the sequence. This
trigger is delayable.
Table 2–2: VX4101A Counter-Specific Trigger Sources
Trigger Source
CTR_CHAN2 The signal on channel two of the Counter can start a measurement on
channel one of the counter. This source is fixed and can only be used
as an ARM:STARt source on channel one of the Counter.
INTernal This fixed source is only valid as an ARM:STOP source and is used to
specify that other internal settings on the Counter (either the aperture
or delay-by-events counter) will be used to stop the Counter.
LEVel This fixed source is valid as an ARM:STOP source. It is used to specify
that the ARM:STARt source is level-sensitive instead of edge-sensitive.
The Counter will remain armed as long as the start source is asserted.