SCPI Commands for the SurePatht Modules
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
ROUTe Subsystem
These commands determine the specific path that signals will take through the
specific modules. The parameters used in SCPI/IEEE 488.2 commands and
command descriptions for the [ROUTe:] commands are as follows:
ASCII integer representation of a decimal number.
ASCII integer, fixed point or floating point representation of a decimal number.
A user-defined ASCII string to be associated with the local bus address of a relay
module. <module_name> strings must start with a letter and may consist of
alphanumeric characters, underscores, and digits. The maximum length of a
<module_name> is 12 characters.
One or more <NR1> ASCII strings separated by “!” characters that specify a
relay on a relay module. The format of a <channel_spec> field for each of the
SurePath relay modules is:
H VX4320 RF Multiplexor: <NR1> ! <NR1>
The range of the first <NRf> field is 1 to 4. This field specifies a relay
within one of the sections of the VX4320. The range of the second <NRf>
field is 1 to 8. This field specifies a section of the VX4320. A one-dimen-
sional <channel_spec> may also be used to specify a channel on a VX4320
Module. The one-dimensional <channel_spec> is given by the formula:
( (section – 1 ) × 4 ) + relay
where variables “section” and “relay” are section and relay numbers
specified in a two-dimensional <channel_spec>.
H VX4330 Scanner/Multiplexor: <NR1> ! <NR1>
The first <NR1> field specifies a relay within the specified section. The
range of this <NR1> field depends on the current configuration of the section
of the VX4330 specified in the second <NR1> field. The range of the second
<NR1> field is 1 to 6. This field specifies a section of the VX4330.
1 – 10 4-wire
1 – 20 4-wire independent
1 – 20 2-wire
1 – 40 1-wire