SCPI Commands for the Counter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Parameter Value
<array size> 1
<time> 1e–01
<#of events> 1E to 3
<mode> APERture
SENSe[1|2|3]:FUNCtion “FREQ”
<time delay> le–6
<event delay> 1
Parameter Value
<array size> 1 to 1000
<time> 1e–8 to 9e6
<# of events> 1 to 9E+15
<time delay> 1e–9 to 9e+6
<event delay> 1 to 9e15
SENSe:APERture <time>
This command sets the Counter measurement aperture <time>. Whether the
aperture time is used or not depends on the mode set with one of the
SENSe:MODE command. The default mode is to use an aperture. The units are
in seconds and range from 1E–8 to 9E6 in 1E–9 size steps.
CONFigure and MEASure commands also set the aperture.
NOTE. Time Interval With Delay, Phase, and Duty Cycle use all available
hardware timers. When the counter is in one of these modes, the aperture is
controlled by software and has a minimum period of approximately 10 ms.
SENSe:COUNT <array size>
This command sets the Counter to do <array size> number of measurements.
CONFigure and MEASure commands also set this count.
SENSe:MODe <mode>
This command sets the Counter to make a measurement for a length of time
*RST Value
Command Description