SCPI Commands for the Digital Multimeter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
NOTE. Each of the six functions of the DMM maintains a configuration table of
its setup, which is independent of the other functions (DC Volts, AC Volts, ACDC
Volts, DC Current, 2-wire Resistance, 4-wire Resistance). Issuing a MEASure?
command defines the active measurement function for the READ? command, in
addition to the array size, range, and resolution (aperture), values of the
function’s configuration table. The Autorange flag is also set appropriately.
The MEASure[.....]? commands are executed immediately upon processing. If
data sampling is in progress, it will be aborted, and a new acquisition initiated.
For array measurements, the data is returned using SCPI block format.
The format is:
where the HEADER field is
x = the size of the count field
COUNT = the number of bytes returned following the header field.
For example, the format of a “meas:arr? 2” response would be
The first 2 following the # sign indicates the COUNT size field is 2. The
following 26 indicates there are 26 characters in the block following the header.
Command/Query Response/Description
VOLTage:DC? 2
:SCAL:VOLT:DC 3,1e–05
Performs a single DC Voltage measurement on the 3 V range.
Use the default resolution to set the aperture to 200 ms.
Explicitly defining an input range turns off autoranging. Issue
the following commands:
meas:volt:ac? max, 0.01
:SCAL:VOLT:AC 300,0.0109545<LF>
Performs a single AC Voltage measurement on the 300 V
(Maximum) range. The resolution specified is rounded per the
formula described in the SENSe[.....]:RESolution commands.
This resolution is equivalent to an aperture of 0.00166667 for
60 Hz rejection