SCPI Commands for the VX4101A
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
You use this query to determine if full power-on initialization has completed for
all instruments and that all commands and queries are available. A return value
of (1) indicates that initialization is complete and that all commands are loaded.
A return value of (0) indicates that only the following set of commands are
Table 3–1: Commands Available at Power-On
Command Syntax Command Type Description
*CLS IEEE 488.2 Clears all event status regis-
ters and queues.
*ESE IEEE 488.2 Sets the contents of the IEEE
488.2 Standard Event Status
Enable Register.
*ESE? IEEE 488.2 Queries the contents of the
IEEE 488.2 Standard Event
Status Enable Register.
*ESR IEEE 488.2 Sets the contents of the IEEE
488.2 Standard Event Status
*ESR? IEEE 488.2 Queries the contents of the
IEEE 488.2 Standard Event
Status Register.
*RST IEEE 488.2 Resets VX4101A components
to their reset values.
NOTE: See the command summary for the *RST command in the section IEEE 488.2
Commands for the specific reset values.
*SRE IEEE 488.2 Sets the contents of the IEEE
488.2 Service Request Enable
*SRE? IEEE 488.2 Queries the contents of the
IEEE 488.2 Service Request
Enable Register.
*STB IEEE 488.2 Queries the contents of the
IEEE 488.2 Status Byte Reg-
STATus:OPERation:CONDition? Status and Events Returns the current operation-
al status of the VX4101A
STATus:OPERation:ENABle Status and Events Sets the Operational Enable
Register for the VX4101A
STATus:OPERation:ENABle? Status and Events Queries the Operational
Enable Register for the for the