SCPI Commands for the Digital Input
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Bit FunctionDefinition
5 Triggering Set when the instrument is waiting for a trigger signal. Cleared
when the trigger is received
6 Arming Not used
7 Correcting Not used
8 Testing (User 1) Set when the instrument is performing a self-test. Cleared
when the self-test is complete
9 Aborting (User 2) Set when the instrument is in the process of aborting an
operation. Cleared when the abort is complete
10 User 3 Not used
11 Pattern Match Set when pattern match has occurred
Cleared when INITiated
12 User 5 Reserved
13 Instrument Summary Not used
14 Program Running Not used
15 Reserved Always 0
Command Response
status:operation:condition? 16 Measurement in progress (0010 hex).
stat:oper:cond? 3072 Measurement complete because an ABORt was received
(0C00 hex).
TEST Subsystem
The TEST subsystem handles the self test operations of the instrument. The
Digital Input self test tests the Digital Input memory and the Read/Write
hardware control registers. The query returns pass/ fail information. In a failed
situation, additional failure information can be obtained with the SYStem:ER-
Ror? query.
Command Syntax
Query Syntax
*RST Value