SCPI Commands for the Counter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
If the optional arguments <expected value> and <resolution> are not used:
aperture is set to the default value
If only the <expected value> argument is used:
aperture is set to the default value
If both <expected value> and <resolution> are used the aperture is calculated as
aperture + 10
with a minimum of 1e–8 and a maximum of 5 seconds. A longer aperture may
be set with the SENSe:FREQuency:APERture command.
MEASure[1|2]([:SCALar]|:ARRay):NWIDth|PWIDth? [<array size>[,<reference>[,<ex-
pected value>[<resolution>]]]
This query configures the Counter to measure the positive or negative pulse
width time of the signal on the MEASure suffix input channel. The measurement
is initiated and the result placed in the output buffer. The units of the <reference>
are percentage. The units of <expected value> and <resolution> are seconds. If
the <expected value> argument is used, the expected period of the input signal
should be used, not the expected pulse width. This measurement uses both
comparators of the input channel. The <reference value> is used to set the
comparator threshold levels to a percentage of the peak-to-peak signal.
If a reference value is specified and INPut:SETup:AUTO is set to OFF,
INPut:SETup:AUTO will be set to ONCE. If a reference value is not specified,
the input channel comparators 1 and 2 levels will be set to 0 V.
This command will modify the following:
function - set to PWID or NWID
aperture - described below
aperture/events mode - set to APERture
The input channel attenuation, offset, gain, level and slope can be modified
If the optional arguments <expected value> and <resolution> are not used:
aperture is set to the default value
If only the <expected value> argument is used:
aperture is set to the default value
If both <expected value> and <resolution> are used the aperture is calculated as
aperture + 10