SCPI Commands for the SurePatht Modules
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Command Response
trigger:sequence:count 5 Sequence through the entire scan list five times
route:close:dwell gp,.5 Wait 0.5 seconds after closing a relay on the VX4350
initiate:immediate Begin sequencing through the scan list
*OPC Set the Operation Complete bit of the Standard Event Status
register after sequencing through the scan list five times
*wai; init:cont Wait until the scan list has been sequenced through five times,
then begin sequencing through the list repeatedly until an
ABORt command is received
abort Quit sequencing through the scan list and place the trigger
subsystem in the idle state
Command Response
scan (@m1(1!1:10!6)) Define a scan list consisting of channels 1 through 10 in each
section of the VX4330 Module
trigger:count 1 Set the number of times to sequence through the scan list
(after an INITiate[:IMMediate] command is received) to 1
trigger:source bus Enable a VXI TRIGGER command as a trigger source
output:ttltrg1:State on Enable VXI TTL trigger 1 to be pulsed each time a channel is
close:Dwell m1,0 Set the close dwell time associated with the VX4330 to 0
open:dwell m1,0 Set the open dwell time associated with the VX4330 to 0
trig:del 0 Set the trigger delay time to 0
scan:rate norm,m1 Set the scan rate of the VX4330 to normal
init Initiate the scan list. Sequence through the entire scan list one
time. Each time a VXI TRIGGER command is sent to the
tMaster VXI Interface, it takes 16 ms to open the
currently closed channel, close the next channel, pulse the
corresponding VX4330 front panel encode signal and pulse VXI
TTL trigger 1. The control signals applied to each relay on the
scanner are verified each time a channel is opened or closed.
abort Abort the scan list
scan:rate fast,m1 Set the scan rate of the VX4330 to FAST
trigger:sour immediate Set the trigger source to immediate