SCPI Commands for the SurePatht Modules
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Parameters Value
[ROUTe:]OPEN<channel list> All relays on all modules are set to the open position.
[ROUTe:]OPEN:ALL All relays on all modules are set to the open position.
[ROUTe:]OPEN:DWELl The open dwell time of all modules is set to 0 seconds.
All relays on all modules are opened when power is removed
from the VXI chassis.
No scan list is defined.
[ROUTe:]SCAN:RATE The VX4330 scan rate is set to normal. The minimum time to
sequence to the next channel in a scan list is approximately 16
ms. The SurePatht master on the VX4101A runs on a
multitasking system. The accuracy of the scan time depends
on the load placed on the VX4101A. Each time a channel is
opened or closed, front panel encode signals are generated,
and the control signals applied to all relays on the module are
For limits, look up the appropriate command in the user manual for your
SurePatht module.
NOTE. The limits of this command depend on the SurePatht Module you are
using. Consult the manual of your module to determine the limits.
The ROUTe commands perform the following operations:
[ROUTe:]CLOSe <channel_list>
The action taken when this command is received depends on the close mode that
has been assigned to the sections specified in the <channel_list>. The close mode
of a section is set to either “mux” or “scan” by the [ROUTe:]CLOSe:MODE
command. At power-on or after an *RST command or SYSTem:PREset
command, the close mode of all VX4330 sections is set to “mux”. If the close
Related Commands
Command Description