SCPI Commands for the Counter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
If only the <expected value> argument is used:
aperture is set to the default value
If both <expected value> and <resolution> are used the aperture is calculated as
aperture + 10
with a minimum of 1e–8 and a maximum of 5 seconds. A longer aperture may
be set with the SENSe:TINTerval:APERture command.
[<array size>[,<delay time>|<delay events>[,expected value>[,<resolution>]]]
This command configures a time interval measurement where the second channel
is ignored for a specified period of time (delay by time) or for a specified number
of second channel events (delay by events). If neither time or events are
specified, the instrument assumes delay by time. Selecting 1 or 12 will configure
a time interval measurement with delay from channel one to channel two.
Selecting 2 or 21 will configure a time interval measurement with delay from
channel two to channel one. Selecting 11 will configure a time interval with
delay measurement from channel one to itself. Likewise, selecting 22 will
configure a time interval with delay measurement from channel two to itself.
NOTE. Time Interval With Delay uses all available hardware timers. When the
counter is in this mode, the aperture is controlled by software and has a
minimum period of approximately 10 ms.
This command will modify the following:
function - set to TINT:DEL:EVEN|TM
aperture - described below
aperture/events mode - set to APERture
If autosetup mode is ON or ONCE, the input channel attenuation, offset, gain,
level and slope can be modified
If neither of the optional <expected value> and <resolution> arguments are used:
aperture is set to the default value
If only the <expected value> argument is used:
aperture is set to the default value
If both <expected value> and <resolution> are used the aperture is calculated as
aperture + 10