SCPI Commands for the Counter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Measurements are continuously made until a *RST or ABORt command is used
while the Counter is continuously making measurements, the FETCh? command
may be used to return the results of the most recently completed measurement.
Initiates its current trigger sequence. After the instrument has completed the
current trigger sequence, it re-enters the initiated state. It will continue this cycle
until an abort, reset, or INIT:CONT OFF is received.
Returns a 0 if the Counter is not taking continuous measurements, a 1 if it is.
INPut Subsystem
This subsystem controls the characteristics of the instrument’s input channels.
:ATTenuation <attenuation>|DEFault|MINimum|MAXimum
[:ABSolute] <absolute level>|DEFault|MINimum|MAXimum
:RELative <relative level>
[:ABSolute] <absolute
:RELative <relative hysteresis>
:SLOPe <slope>|DEFault
:COUPling <coupling>
:FREQuency <frequency>|DEFault|MINimum|MAXimum
[:STATe] <filter state>|DEFault
:GAIN <gain>|DEFault|MINimum|MAXimum
Query Response
Command Syntax