SCPI Commands for the Digital Multimeter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Logical channel 2 is established on the second physical channel number
returned by the query. This process continues until all logical channels are
established on their corresponding channel number.
Physical FDC channel allocation is dependent upon the VX4101A option
configuration. Knowledge of a logical FDC channel’s physical identity is
required by users writing their own low level Commander-side FDC drivers for
their host computer. For more information, see FDC Operation in Instrument
VXI[:SERVant]:FDC:CONFiguration? [<channel number>]
This query returns the configuration state of the selected FDC channel. If the
optional channel number is omitted, the channel referenced by the
VXI:FDC:SEL command is used. Returned values are the following unquoted
ASCII strings:
Configuration states of READ ONLY, WRITE ONLY and READ WRITE imply
an OPENED and INITIALIZED state. A channel that is in a Closed state must
be Opened before it can be accessed. In practice, a channel will be in one of the
four active states: (CLOSED, READ ONLY, WRITE ONLY, or both).
The <channel number> parameter is the logical FDC channel number for the
This query returns the currently selected logical FDC channel. The return value
is a single integer, from 1 to the number of logical FDC channels the instrument
Command Response/Description
VXI:FDC:SEL 1 Selects logical FDC channel 1 for access.
VXI:FDC:Open WO Opens FDC channel 1 for write only operation
VXI:FDC? 2,4
Indicates physical FDC channel 2 is implemented on this
devices logical channel 1; physical channel 4 on logical
channel 2
Indicates channel 1 is Opened, Initialized, and Write only.
VXI:FDC:CLOSe Closes FDC channel 1