SCPI Commands for the Digital to Analog Converter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
TRACe:RPERiod <repeat period|OFF>
This command defines the repeat period of each waveform segment. This is the
inverse of the TRACe:RFREQency command.
NOTE. The waveform segment period is the sample period times the number of
data points. Thus, the waveform repeat period must be greater than or equal to
the waveform segment period.
If the waveform repeat period is set to be greater than the waveform segment
period, then there will be a gap between waveform segments (the final point in
the segment will be output until the next segment is started). If the waveform
repeat period is equal to the waveform segment period, then there will be no gaps
between the last point of a segment and the first point of the next segment. If the
waveform repeat period is set to less than the waveform segment period, an error
will be generated when INITiate is issued.
Default units are in seconds. If the repeat period is set to OFF, the repetition
mechanism is disabled and no gap will begenerated. Programming a repetition
frequency is illegal if the trigger mode is SAMPle. An error will be generated on
an INITiate if the repetition frequency is enabled while the trigger mode is
TRACe:SRATe <sample_rate>
This command assigns the sample rate of the waveform data point. The value is
in Hz. This is the frequency at which the waveform data points are output to the
DAC output ports. Since there is only one sample clock and a single points
register for all DAC channels, the sample rate and waveform frequency is the
same for all 8 channels. The sample rate can range from 3.662 Hz to 15e3 Hz.
The actual sample rate will be rounded to the closest value. Query responses will
return the quantized value.
Changing the output frequency during the output of a waveform (e.g. sweeping),
will result in an implied abort. The instrument accepts the change in frequency
and go into a wait state until it is re-initiated.
NOTE. The number of points multiplied by the sample period (or 1/sample rate)
must be less than 16 seconds. If the number of points is more than 16 seconds,
the instrument returns an error.