SCPI Commands for the Digital Multimeter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
For example, the command MEAS:ARR? 100 would autorange prior to the first
measurement, and would then use the range determined for making the 100
measurements. If any measurement exceeded the determined range, a +9.9E+37
(or –9.9E+37) value is stored as the measurement value.
If you program a SENSe:RANGe:AUTO ON command, the DMM continuously
monitors the level of the input signal for every measurement taken. If the signal
exceeds the current range, or falls below 9.9% of the range, the DMM will
autorange to seek the appropriate range, and retake the measurement on the new
range. If autozeroing is enabled, the DMM performs an autozero after each new
range is determined.
If you enable autoranging for DC V measurements, it will overwrite the
INPut:IMPedance value with 10e6 ohms.
NOTE. Note that autoranging is individually programmable for each function of
the DMM.
SENSe[.....]:APERture<aperture value>
SENSe[.....]:RPSecond<readings per second>
SENSe[.....]:NPLCycles<number of Powerline cycles>
SENSe[.....]:RESolution<Expected Resolution>
These commands define four different ways of specifying the aperture time of a
measurement, which is the acquisition or sampling time for the measurement.
All calculated values are internally rounded to values based on apertures
supported by the hardware.
You can use the CONFigure[.....]? queries to get the actual (rounded) values
calculated by the DMM for these parameters. If any field corresponds to an
aperture less than .0008333 seconds (.001 seconds for 50 Hz line frequency
rejection), or an aperture greater than 2.0 seconds, the DMM will limit the value
to that range. Within these limits, the aperture will be rounded to the next
allowable aperture value.
The relationship between the aperture, readings per second, number of power
line cycles, and expected resolution are per the formulae below.
NOTE. The rounding takes place within reasonable limits. For example, .0166
will be rounded up to .016666....