SCPI Commands for the Digital Input
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
TRIGger:MASK <mask>
Defines a mask for the match pattern. Bits set to 0 in the mask are “don’t care”
bits for the match pattern. Thus, setting the mask to #h00000000 will disable
pattern matching completely.
See the TRIGger:MASK <mask> example for more information on changing the
TRIGger:MATCh <pattern>
Defines a match pattern to use for a search. Until the instrument finds a match
pattern, all read data will be stored in prematch memory. When the instrument
finds the match pattern, it is placed in prematch memory.
See the TRIGger:MASK <mask> example for more information on changing the
TRIGger ([:SEQuence1] |:STARt)[:LAYer]:DELay <time delay>
Specifies a time delay to occur after receipt of a trigger prior to actually
triggering. If the trigger source selected is fixed, this command will have no
effect on the instrument triggering. This command always zeros the event count
delay, so specifying a delay of zero places the trigger subsystem in pass-through
mode. In this mode, the instrument triggers immediately upon receipt of a trigger
TRIGger ([:SEQuence1] |:STARt)[:LAYer]:ECOunt <event delay>
Specifies the number of triggers to count prior to triggering. Upon receipt of
trigger N (where N is the number specified in the command), the instrument will
enter the triggered state. If the trigger source selected is fixed, this command will
have no effect on the instrument triggering. This command always zeros the
delay by time parameter, so specifying an event count of zero places the trigger
subsystem in pass-through mode. In this mode, the instrument triggers immedi-
ately upon receipt of a trigger.
NORMal|INVerted <polarity>
Specifies the active edge of the signals to be received and driven on the external
handshake lines. NORMal indicates that the rising edge is active. INVerted
indicates that the falling edge is active.
TRIGger ([:SEQuence1] |:STARt)[:LAYer]:IMMediate
Causes a one time entry into the triggered state without receiving the specified
Related Commands
Command Description