SCPI Commands for the Digital Input
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
This query performs an INITiate, followed by a FETCh? query. The number of
data points read, voltage threshold and bits read are setup with a CONFigure or
SENSe command. READ? returns the complete array if no pattern match is used,
or the match and all the postmatch data if pattern match is used. To retrieve
prematch data, use a CONFigure or SENSe command followed by an INITiate
command and then a FETCh? query. Data is returned in the following format:
Command Response/Description
format hex Sets the return format to hexadecimal
sens:psel:digl enable Enables all bits as input
configure:diglobal 2.5 Sets up the following:
Voltage threshold to 2.5 V
Read all inputs
One reading
conf “<SCALar|ARRay>;<DIGlobal|DIPort|DIBit>:NORMal|IN-
READ? f0f0f0f0
Orders a read in the current configuration
SENSe Subsystem
The SENSe subsystem sets up the instrument to take a measurement.
The SENSe: commands can also configure the instrument following a CONFig-
ure command. However, the CONFigure command or MEASure? query will
reset all SENSe command parameters to the default state.
SENSe:ARRay <array size>
SENSe:MODe <mode>
[:NORMal] <ENABle|DISable>,<channel_bit_list>|
Related Commands
Query Response
Command Syntax