VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Two-Wire Resistance Measurement, With the Digital
Multimeter (DMM), hardware tips, 2–45, 2–46
TXCO Time Base
and SOURce commands, 3–109
As option, 1–13
UNIT commands, for Counter, 3–114
VX4101, 1–1
Specifications, A–1
VX4101A Multipaq Instrument
ABORt Commands for, 3–7
Accessories for, 1–12
And Fast Data Channel, 1–2
Asynchronous Mode, 2–3
CALibrate Commands for, 3–9
Commands available at power-on, 3–20
Description, 1–1
Features, 1–1
Functional check, 1–25
Instrument, 1–2
INSTrument commands, 3–11
OUTPut Commands for, 3–14
Performance Options, 1–2
SCPI commands for, 3–5
SOURce Commands, 3–16
Status registers in, 4–1
SYSTem Commands for, 3–18
TRIGger commands for, 3–26
VX4320 Multiplexor, 1–5
routing signals through, 3–264
VX4330 Multiplexor, 1–5
routing signals through, 3–264
VX4350 Switching Module, 1–6
routing signals through, 3–265
VX4351 Relay Matrix Module, routing signals through,
VX4351 Switch Module, 1–6
VX4380 Matrix, routing signals through, 3–265
VX4380 Relay Matrix Module, 1–6
VXIplug&play instrument drivers
File locations, 1–18
Files installed, 1–18
VXIplug&play Software
Installation procedure, 1–17
Installing device drivers, 1–17
VXIplug&play software
Description, 1–13
Device drivers, 1–13
Soft Front Panels, 1–13
Using, 1–14
Waveform, Number of points in, 2–47
Waveform period, Definition of, 2–47