VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
READY Indicator
A green LED indicator that lights when the power-on diagnostic routines
have been completed successfully. An internal failure or failure of +5 V
power will extinguish this indicator.
Register Based Device
A VXIbus device that supports VXI register maps, but not high level
VXIbus communication protocols; includes devices that are register-based
servant elements.
A functional module that resides on the same module as a Master or
Interrupt Handler and requests use of the DTB whenever its Master or
Interrupt Handler requires it.
Resource Manager
A VXIbus device that provides configuration management services such as
address map configuration, determining system hierarchy, allocating shared
system resources, performing system self test diagnostics, and initializing
system commanders.
A single DAC output point.
Self Calibration
A routine that verifies the basic calibration of the instrument module circuits,
and adjusts this calibration to compensate for short- and long-term variables.
Self Test
A set of routines that determine if the instrument module circuits will
perform according to a given set of standards. A self test routine is per-
formed upon power-on.
A group of Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) points that generate a
A programmed repetition of segments. The maximum number of segments is
4096. At the end of a sequence, the DAC output amplitude remains at the
last sequence value until a new sequence is triggered. You use the
TRIG:MODE SEQ,<sequence length> command to define the number of
segments. You can initiate a new sequence either by a trigger, or continuous-
A VXIbus message-based device that is controlled by a commander.