SCPI Commands for the Counter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
CALibrate [3] :ROSCillator <input frequency>
Command Response/Description
–313,“Calibration memory lost; VX4101; Reference Oscillator
Display the reference oscillator error
SOUR:ROSC:VAL? 10000000.0000
INST:SEL COUNTER Selects the Counter
CAL:ROSC 10.001E6
SOUR:ROSC:VAL? 9999999.0000
CONFigure Subsystem
The CONFigure commands tell the Counter what type of measurement to make
and the input channel(s) to use. The measurement will not be made until a
INITiate or READ? command is given.
The input coupling and impedance are not changed by these commands. You
must select the coupling and impedance that makes sense for the input signal(s)
and the desired measurement.
The input attentuation, offset, gain, and comparator hysteresis are not changed by
these commands. However, the comparator slopes and thresholds are changed to
defaults by these commands. If INPut:SETup:AUTO (autotrigger) is set to ON or
ONCE, the input attenuation, offset, gain, and comparator hysteresis may change
when the measurement is started. The coupling and impedance are set with the
INPut:COUPling and INPut:IMPedance commands.
After a CONFigure command, you can use the INPut and SENSe commands to
modify the CONFigure setup before the measurement is started by an INITiate or
READ? command. These modifications can be undone at INITiate by some
types of measurements.
The Counter may be programmed to make and store up to 1000 measurements.
The SCALar commands program the Counter for one measurement. The ARRAy
commands program the Counter for a maximum of 1000 measurements as
specified by the <array size> parameter.