VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Command Syntax
About Protocol and Syntax
Command protocol and syntax for the VX4101A Module are as follows:
H The following is a command for the DMM:
CONFigure[:SCALar][:VOLTage]:DC [<expected value>
Each of the following commands is a valid form of this command. This is
only a partial list of commands and is intended only for illustrative purposes:
CONF:scal:DC 5.0
Conf:Dc MAX,min
confIGURE:scalAR:voltAGE:DC 21
conf:DC 10,maximum
NOTE. Examples throughout this manual use various forms of the command
syntax to further illustrate these concepts.
H A command string consists of a string of ASCII-encoded characters
terminated by a <program message terminator>. The <program message
terminator> is optional white space, followed by any one of the following
command terminations:
A line feed <LF> or new line <NL> character (hexadecimal 0A, decimal
The END bit set
The END bit with a line feed <LF> or new line <NL>
The command string is buffered until the terminator is encountered, at which
time the entire string is processed.
H In addition to terminating a command, the semi-colon character directs the
SCPI command parser to interpret the next command with the assumption
that all characters up to and including the last colon in the previous
command have just been parsed.