VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Using the Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)
This section contains the following procedures for using the DAC:
H Generating continuous and multiple waveforms
H Generating repetitive waveforms
H Reading a trace from the DAC in binary
H Using the sample handshake mechanism
H Programming a trace with a numeric array list
What You Should Know About
Sample. A single DAC output point. At the end of a sample, the DAC output
amplitude remains at the last sample value until a new sample is initiated. For
example, you can use the command TRIG:MODE SAMPLE to externally trigger
sample generation.
Segment. A group of DAC points that generate a waveform. The maximum
number of points in a waveform is 1024. You use the TRAC:POIN <number of
points> command to enter the segment length. At the end of a segment, the DAC
output amplitude remains at the last segment value until you initiate a new
segment. You can initiate a new segment continuously, by the repetition
frequency, or by a trigger. You can use the command TRIG:MODE SEGMENT
to externally trigger segment generation, or the TRACe:FREQuency to internally
program a segment repetition rate.
Sequence. A programmed repetition of segments. The maximum number of
segments is 4096. At the end of a sequence, the DAC output amplitude remains
at the last sequence value until a new sequence is triggered. You use the
TRIG:MODE SEQ,<sequence length> command to define the number of
segments. You can initiate a new sequence either by a trigger, or continuously.
Waveform Period. The waveform period is defined as the number of points in the
waveform times the sample period.
Key Concepts