SCPI Commands for the Digital Multimeter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
SENSe:FUNCtion <measurement function>
The SENSe:FUNCtion commands define the measurement function for
subsequent READ? commands. For example, if the present configuration mode
is a DC voltage measurement, issuing a SENSe:FUNCtion RESistance command
will cause the next measurement to be a 2-wire resistance measurement.
Issuing a SENSe:FUNCtion FRESistance command will cause the next
measurement to be a 4-wire resistance measurement.
SENSe:BANDwidth:DETector <expected frequency>|DEFault|MINimum|MAXimum
This commands selects the bandwidth for the AC and ACDC voltage measure-
ments. Frequency is specified as the expected frequency of the input signal in
Hz. The DMM uses this to select the slow mode for frequencies below 100 Hz
and the fast mode for frequencies of 100 Hz or higher. The slow mode has a
longer time constant for the front end and takes longer for each measurement,
particularly for range changes. The fast mode has a shorter time constant and
takes measurements faster. If you are unsure of the frequency of the input signal,
the slow mode should be chosen to optimize measurement accuracy. MINimum
selects the slow mode by setting the expected frequency to 20 Hz. MAXimum
selects the fast mode by setting the expected frequency to 100000Hz.
CONFigure and MEASure AC and ACDC commands reset the bandwidth to the
slow mode.
SENSe[....]:COUNt <Array Size>
The SENSe[.....]:COUNt commands define the number of measurements to
acquire. If <Array Size> is less than 1 or greater than 4096, an error will be
generated. Specifying an <Array Size> of 1 is equivalent to specifying scalar.
SENSe[....]:RANGe <input range>
The SENSe[.....]:RANGe commands modify the applicable input range setup.
Issuing this command disables autoranging. All range values are rounded up to
the nearest applicable value. Specifying a value outside the function’s range will
generate an error.
SENSe[.....]:RANGe:AUTO <auto>
The SENSe[.....]:RANGe:AUTO commands control when the DMM performs
If you program a SENSe:RANGe:AUTO:ONCE, the DMM will perform an auto
range each time it receives a MEASure?, READ? or INITiate command, prior to
the first measurement only.
Command Description